Mindful Eating

BBQ Jackfruit Pizza

A vegan BBQ "chicken" pizza with pulled jackfruit for all the pizza lovers out there. Made in 15 minutes and with only 6-ingredients, you'll love incorporating this quick vegan dinner recipe into your routine Vegan Pizza | BBQ pizza | Vegan Pizza Recipe | Vegan Dinner | Homemade Vegan Pizza

Growing up, my favorite pizza was always BBQ chicken. Without fail, if it was on the menu, it was going in my belly. I only just recently thought about making a vegan version!

I love that you can make vegan versions of almost everything. There’s no fear of “missing out” on any foods. There’s vegan cheese, meat, cream cheese, butter, etc. Really anything you would need to re-create old favorites!

Vegan BBQ Jackfruit Pizza

6-ingredient BBQ jackfruit pizza to satisfy your pizza cravings!

  • 1 pizza crust
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1/3 cup BBQ sauce
  • 1/2 cup pulled BBQ jackfruit
  • 1 cup vegan mozerella cheese
  • 2 tbsp cilantro (or top to your liking)
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees (or however long your specific pizza dough or pre-bought crust suggests).

  2. While the oven is preheating, spread the BBQ sauce on the crust.

  3. Sprinkle on the chopped onion.

  4. Add the jackfruit and cheese.

  5. Slide into the oven for 8-12 minutes (or however long your crust takes to cook).

  6. Let cool for a few minutes and enjoy!

A vegan BBQ "chicken" pizza with pulled jackfruit for all the pizza lovers out there. Made in 15 minutes and with only 6-ingredients, you'll love incorporating this quick vegan dinner recipe into your routine Vegan Pizza | BBQ pizza | Vegan Pizza Recipe | Vegan Dinner | Homemade Vegan Pizza

You can adjust these toppings to your liking. If you like extra saucy and cheesy, load it up on those ingredients!

A vegan BBQ "chicken" pizza with pulled jackfruit for all the pizza lovers out there. Made in 15 minutes and with only 6-ingredients, you'll love incorporating this quick vegan dinner recipe into your routine Vegan Pizza | BBQ pizza | Vegan Pizza Recipe | Vegan Dinner | Homemade Vegan Pizza

This recipe is really simple and can be assembled before your oven finishes preheating.

A vegan BBQ "chicken" pizza with pulled jackfruit for all the pizza lovers out there. Made in 15 minutes and with only 6-ingredients, you'll love incorporating this quick vegan dinner recipe into your routine Vegan Pizza | BBQ pizza | Vegan Pizza Recipe | Vegan Dinner | Homemade Vegan Pizza

Add all of the toppings onto your pizza except the cilantro and it’s ready to slide into the oven!

A vegan BBQ "chicken" pizza with pulled jackfruit for all the pizza lovers out there. Made in 15 minutes and with only 6-ingredients, you'll love incorporating this quick vegan dinner recipe into your routine Vegan Pizza | BBQ pizza | Vegan Pizza Recipe | Vegan Dinner | Homemade Vegan Pizza

What’s your favorite meal you used to eat before going vegan that you’ve been able to “vegan-ize“? I’d love to know in the comments!