image of 8 plants on a stand in front of a white wall

Hi I’m Sarah! I created Mindful Minimal Me because I believe in living a life that is more mindful of the thoughts we think, the food we eat, and the products we use. This is a place where I will share what I’ve learned in order to live a simpler, happier, and healthier life and help you do the same.

In this blog, I focus on a few different categories that I practice daily:

Title: wellness

Our mental well being is something that we need to always be conscious of. If we are not happy within, that will reflect in our actions and our thoughts. I want to help you make sure you’re taking care of your body and mind whether that’s starting a better morning routine, taking some time in your evening to practice self-care, or starting a gratitude journal. 

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.” -Buddha

title: food

image of a meal prepped jar of food with vegetables, tofu and grains       close up bowl of kale with chickpeas       picture of a sandwich with sprouts, avocado and other greens

The food we eat dictates how we feel and greatly affects our health. We need to be conscious of the things we are putting into our body and eat food that will help us be at our best. Following a plant-based diet can help you lose weight, lower your risk for heart disease, cancer or diabetes, and control your cholesterol and blood pressure. It is also better for the environment. I want to show you that food doesn’t have to be stressful and how you can fuel your body with more plant-based recipes with 5-10 ingredients.

(Here is my story about transitioning into a more vegan lifestyle.)

What better way to be mindful of your money and what you’re putting into your body than making your own beauty and household products at home? I’m a strong advocate that we should not use products on our bodies or around our homes that contain toxic and harmful chemicals. By buying a few natural staple ingredients, you can make practically anything at home and feel safe that you know exactly what’s going into your products and your body.

picture of me

If I’m not sippin’ on a coffee, you can find me dreaming about all the plants I want to buy, singing or recording songs with my husband, playing pool or learning a language (so far I’ve got 10 years of French and a year of Sign Language under my belt). If the weather’s nice, I’ll probably be out camping for the weekend or going on a hike. I also love to travel as much as I can.