Use these 4 tips to get back on track at any time of year! |
Mindful Living

How To Get Back On Track

Whether it's around the holidays, or in the middle of the year, we all seem to fall off track at some point. These 4 tips will help you get back to your routine in no time. Back On Track | Back On Track Diet | Motivation

The holidays can leave us feeling lazy and wanting to eat 5 slices of pumpkin pie a day. (Anyone else, or just me?) Whether you find this post around the holidays, or in the middle of the summer, these four tips will help you get back to an easy, stress-free routine. 


Beating yourself up about what you’ve eaten will not change anything. You shouldn’t feel guilty for that extra slice of pie at Christmas or that third cup of apple cider on Thanksgiving. You should be remembering the enjoyment that came from that cup of cider you were drinking when you got to catch up with a cousin you don’t get to see very often. You should remember the laughs that were shared over the dessert you had. You should not be worrying that you went over your calories for the day. The best thing to do is just accept that you indulged a little extra, and then focus on getting back to your regular routine.

Whether it's around the holidays, or in the middle of the year, we all seem to fall off track at some point. These 4 tips will help you get back to your routine in no time. Back On Track | Back On Track Diet | Motivation


Even if it’s only 20 minutes a day, that’s over two hours of exercise that your body wouldn’t be getting otherwise. Maybe Monday you go on a hike, Tuesday you take a fun workout class, Wednesday you take your dog for a run, Thursday you ride your bike and Friday you do yoga. Working out doesn’t have to be boring and it can be whatever you enjoy doing that gets your body moving.

Whether it's around the holidays, or in the middle of the year, we all seem to fall off track at some point. These 4 tips will help you get back to your routine in no time. Back On Track | Back On Track Diet | Motivation


During the holidays we consume lots of wine, beer, apple cider, hot chocolate, etc. But when we drink all those other things, we probably forget to drink enough water. Water is extremely essential to our health, yet the vast majority of people don’t drink enough of it. It helps circulate nutrients in your body, can help you lose weight, help you feel less tired, keeps your skin healthy, protects your joints and so much more.

Whether it's around the holidays, or in the middle of the year, we all seem to fall off track at some point. These 4 tips will help you get back to your routine in no time. Back On Track | Back On Track Diet | Motivation


Don’t skip any meals, or eat any less than you normally would. Eat meals that are full of healthy carbs, fats, and protein that will fill you up and keep you on track through this holiday season (and the whole year!). The best part about nutrient-dense foods is that they are lower in calories, yet help to keep you satisfied longer – therefore helping you lose weight!

Some of the most nutrient-dense foods are kale, seaweed (make your own sushi rolls at home!), garlic, potatoes, blueberries, dark chocolate, bok choy, spinach, brussel sprouts, carrots, broccoli, strawberries, onions, oranges and flax seeds (to name a few…or twenty).

Whether it's around the holidays, or in the middle of the year, we all seem to fall off track at some point. These 4 tips will help you get back to your routine in no time. Back On Track | Back On Track Diet | Motivation

This time of the year should be joyful, so don’t stress out so much. There’s more to life than worrying about food!