Mindful Living

How To Declutter Your Home In One Minute

Feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your home? With this simple one-minute technique, your home will be tidy and clutter-free in no time. Declutter Home | Declutter Tips | Declutter Motivation

How many times do we look around our home and see piles of clutter and we find ourselves wondering… “how did it get this bad?”

There’s piles of mail and receipts on your counter, clothes all over your floor, dishes in the sink, things piling up on the stairs.

What if, instead of throwing your mail on the counter when you walk in the door, you took a minute to sort through and organize it?

What if, instead of throwing that shirt on the bed, you took a few seconds to hang it up before you rushed out the door?

What if, when you were going upstairs, you took those items piling up and put them away instead of letting them sit there?

Feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your home? With this simple one-minute technique, your home will be tidy and clutter-free in no time. Declutter Home | Declutter Tips | Declutter Motivation

If we did these tasks RIGHT AWAY, our homes would be tidier in just one minute of our time.

Instead, we let our belongings pile up and have to dread spending our Saturday mornings stressing about the mess and tidying our home.

If you really don’t have the time to take care of those small tasks, at least spend 10-15 minutes a night before you go to bed tidying up so that the next day you can have a fresh start and a clean space.

Feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your home? With this simple one-minute technique, your home will be tidy and clutter-free in no time. Declutter Home | Declutter Tips | Declutter Motivation

Personally, I hate clutter. It’s hard for me to concentrate in a messy environment. But does that mean my home is always perfect? Not even close!

I have been there. I have left a pile of shoes by the door, a stack of mail on the counter, and folded laundry sitting in the same spot for days.

I understand. Life is busy all the time. And for someone who really enjoys tidying and cleaning, sometimes it is the last thing I want to think about that day.

We are human. And I promise even those who seem to have it all together all the time really don’t.

Feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your home? With this simple one-minute technique, your home will be tidy and clutter-free in no time. Declutter Home | Declutter Tips | Declutter Motivation

However, it’s the little things that would only take a few extra seconds of your time that leave your home cluttered.

When you put these things off, it will only clutter your home, your mind, and your to-do list.

Save Saturday for a fun day out at the park, instead of your long list of things to get done around the house! Let your free time actually BE your free time that you get to enjoy.

So from now on, if it will take you a minute or less to tidy, do it now.

Feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your home? With this simple one-minute technique, your home will be tidy and clutter-free in no time. Declutter Home | Declutter Tips | Declutter Motivation

If you live in a space where you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin to get to a clean and decluttered home, start small.

  • Start with one part of your home that you wish to clear up. It can be one counter, your staircase, your coat closet, anything! Just pick somewhere and start.
  • Schedule 30 minutes each night dedicated to tidying up.
  • Get others to help! If you live with a roommate, your spouse, other family members, get them to chip in! Tasks are always easier with more people.

If you need any more tidying tips, I love to talk all things cleaning, so leave a comment below! 🙂